Blue Koi Gallery

Colors Unleashed Art Exhibition - September 2023

Welcome to “Colors Unleashed,” where art breaks free from conventional boundaries and embraces a world of boundless vibrancy. In this exhibition, we invite you to explore the explosive energy, emotional depth, and sheer joy that colors bring to life.

We would like to thank all the artists who participated in making this colorful journey possible.

Winning Artists

1st Place- Jennifer Holstrom – Eastern Sun - Original acrylic, gold leaf, paper on canvas
1st Place- Jennifer Holstrom – Eastern Sun - Original acrylic, gold leaf, paper on canvas
Artist: Jennifer Holstrom

Title: Eastern  Sun

Medium: Original acrylic, gold leaf, paper on canvas

Price: $1600

Size: 24” x 36”
Pavlos Evangelidis - Palawonder - Photography
Pavlos Evangelidis - Palawonder - Photography
Artist: Pavlos Evangelidis

Title: Palawonder

Medium: Photography
Walter Jakubowski - Cognitive Dissonance
Walter Jakubowski - Cognitive Dissonance
Artist: Walter Jakubowski

Title: Cognitive Dissonance

Medium: Photography

Price: $450

Size: 28″H x 30″W x 1.5″ Framed

Honorable Mention

Miriam-Schulman-Green Room Pink Rectangle(Dan Flavin)
Artist: Miriam Schulman

Title: Green Room Pink Rectangle(Dan Flavin)

Medium: Photography
Joseph O'Neill Pattern 1279
Artist: Joseph O'Neill

Title: Pattern 1279

Medium: Photography

Size: 12 x 12 Inches

Price: $200

Fania Greenwood - Vol D' Oiseau Medium- Acrylics on canvas Size- 30 x 40 Price- 2500.00
Fania Greenwood

Title: Vol D' Oiseau

Medium- Acrylics on canvas

Size- 30 x 40

Price- 2500.00

Jesse Currier; Destiny; Acrylic 30x30x30
Jesse Currier

Title: Destiny

Medium: Acrylic

Size: 30x30x30

Artist- Aaron Rochman Title- Bloom Medium- Toothpicks, Acrylic, Canvas Board Price- $3000 Size- 46 cm x 38 cm x 9 cm
Artist- Aaron Rochman

Title- Bloom

Medium- Toothpicks, Acrylic, Canvas Board

Price- $3000

Size- 46 cm x 38 cm x 9 cm


Adelina Ruvalcaba_Ivory Rhino_Digital Art
Adelina Ruvalcaba_Ivory Rhino_Digital Art
Artist: Adelina Ruvalcaba

Title: Ivory Rhino

Medium: Digital Art

Size: 1500 x 2100 pixels
Faro Mojahedi - Dimesions 1 - Photography
Faro Mojahedi - Dimesions 1 - Photography
Artist: Faro Mojahedi

Title: Dimension-1

Medium: Photography
Catherine Lyu Portrait|Outside Digital Image
Catherine Lyu Portrait|Outside Digital Image
Artist: Catherine Lyu

Title: Portrait|Outside

Medium: Digital Image
Artist: Rebecca Dzartov

Title: Blake & Tina

Medium: Acrylic, Oil & Recycled Plastic

Size: 76 x 60cm

Price: $1400
MollyChidsey -Oxytocin Constellation - Watercolor  Ink
MollyChidsey -Oxytocin Constellation - Watercolor Ink
Artist: Molly Chidsey

Title: Oxytocin Constellation

Medium: Watercolor, handmade oak gall ink, calligraphy

Size: 16″x20″

Price: $200
Artist: Rekha Krishnamurthi

Title: Flower Bouquet

Medium: Mixed Media Collage – acrylic paint, tracing paper, brush markers, paint pens, graphic, watercolor paint

Size: 12 inches x 12 inches
Tali Rachelle Butterfly Koi Graphic Design 12 x 12
Tali Rachelle Butterfly Koi Graphic Design 12 x 12
Artist: Tali Rachelle

Title: Butterfly Koi

Medium: Graphic Design

Size: 12″ x 12″