Blue Koi Gallery

Discover the Winning Masterpiece

“Dans les plis de la nuit 43”

Pierre-Yves Cruaud

Artist Locale:  Montpellier France

Subject Matter: Phenomenology of a body

Medium: Photography

About this Piece:

My photograph entitled “Dans les plis de la nuit 43” (In the folds of night 43) is part of the “Dans les plis de la nuit” (In the folds of night) series launched at the end of 2023.  This series questions the defense mechanism of a world imprisoned by its nights. Populated by women, men, plants, insects and other elements to come, this world is a prison space in which its inhabitants convulsively wait.

As man is not a self-contained entity, he is naturally caught up in the chaos of an open, infinite universe, in which finding one’s place remains everyone’s struggle. The human body is subject to the movements of this ordeal.

As Spinoza said, “We do not know what the body can do”. Despite the arbitration of physiology, the body fascinates through its defense mechanisms. Mysterious, familiar, foreign, intimate and off-putting, it is the object of this adventure. Anatomy announces itself as the living place of salvation, while the skeleton is declared by Baudelaire to be the “plane of the human poem”. If beauty must be convulsive, let it be!

My photography focuses on the phenomenology of a body with a blurred sexual identity, seemingly imprisoned by its own otherness. Somewhere between archaic dance and tribal combat, this mutant body fights for survival, elegantly offering us the spectacle of an intimate battle with an uncertain outcome. The theatricality and minimalism of the staging undermine any realistic approach, without sacrificing the identification process involved in this image. There is indeed a faceless presence on stage, but I see it articulate and disarticulate in the same movement, and it grips me.

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Artist Statement:

Born in 1973, France.

Since 2000 he has written, produced, shot, and edited short films and videos.

Screened in more than 50 countries, several of the films have been awarded prizes.
He composed the music for the feature film Should the Wind Drop (Official Selection — Festival de Cannes 2020) andbecame involved with photography in 2021.

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Artist Bio

 Awards / Exhibitions / Accomplishments in Photography :

–       10th Fine Art Photography Awards (Nomination – Conceptual Category / 2024)

–       Monochrome Photography Awards (Honorable Mention – Conceptual / 2023)

–       EPEX Awards (Honorable Mention / 2023)

–       ND Awards (Honorable Mention – Fine Art – Serie Nudes / 2023)

–       Sage Gallery, Bangkok (Group Exhibition – 04/11-02/12/2023)

–       Bargehouse Gallery, London (Group Exhibition – 09-12/11/2023)

–       PH21 Gallery, Budapest (Honorable Mention – Group Exhibition – 19/10-11/11/2023)

–       Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3) (Bronze – Fine Art / 2023)

–       MonoVisions Awards (3rd Place – Serie Nudes / 2023)

–       9th Fine Art Photography Awards (Nomination – Nudes Category / 2023)

–       The Glasgow Gallery of Photography (Group Exhibition – 03-30/08/2023)

–       Black & White Athens Photography Festival (Group Exhibition – 04-07/02/2023)

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