Blue Koi Gallery

One Image One Winner

Free Art Competition

Blue Koi Gallery invites artists and photographers worldwide to participate in the One Image, One Winner art competition. This is a unique opportunity to showcase your work with no entry fees and a chance to be recognized for your artistic vision. Submit a single image that represents your best work—any subject, any style, any medium. One winner takes it all!. All applicants must be 18 years or older. 

$100 cash prize awarded to the 1st place winner. The winner will receive recognition on the websites and through our social media channels. 

Submit your artwork by May 15th, 2025.

1 image Free Entry

More Information

Competition Timeline

Entry Deadline | May 15, 2025

Winners Notified | May 22-24, 2025

Image Requirements:

File Size: Max 2 MB | Format: jpg, jpeg, png. Ensure professional presentation: including proper cropping, no mockups, frames or watermarks.

File Name Format: Artist Name – Title of Art.jpg

Rules for Entry

This competition is open to artists worldwide who are 18 or older. All backgrounds, skill levels, and styles are welcome. We accept all visual media, including painting, mixed media, photography, digital art, and sculpture. All submissions must be original works created by the artist entering the competition.

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions between the artist and Blue Koi Gallery. Prior to submitting their artwork, all artists who wish to participate in any competition on our website ( are required to consent to the following terms:

Artwork will only be used for marketing, promotional, and display purposes. This includes featuring them on the Blue Koi Gallery website, social media platforms, etc.

The artist hereby grants permission to Blue Koi Gallery to archive selected artwork as a part of the exhibition. This archival will be made accessible for public viewing on our official website (

 The selected works will feature the artist’s name, the title of their artwork, and a link back to their website. If the artist doesn’t have a website, we’ll include their email address for contact purposes.

 Artist shall retain all copyrights of any image they submit to the Blue Koi Gallery.

The images on this site will not be resold, exchanged, or copied.

Entry fees are non-refundable