Blue Koi Gallery

Urban Lens Art Exhibition

Embark on a captivating journey through the world of urban artistry and photography at the Urban Lens Art Exhibition. This is a celebration of the remarkable artists who were awarded for their extraordinary ability in capturing the soul of urban life. In each image, you’ll find vibrant interpretations of city life. These award-winning artists skillfully captured the bustling streets, the grandeur of architectural marvels, and the lively vibrancy that courses through urban spaces. Each artist’s work invites you to explore the diverse facets of urban existence. Come, join us on this visual journey!

Winning Artists

1st Place

Artist: Pam Blevens 

Title: Blue Domes of Santorini

Medium: Oil

Dimensions: 24″ x 24″

Price: 695.00


2nd Place

Artist: Gemma Mancinelli 

Title: Day Crawlers

Medium: Photograph


3rd Place

Artist: Sarah Chung

Title: Solidarity

Medium: Photography


Honorable Mentions

Artist: Aaron Krone

Title: Stepping Stones

Medium: Oil

Dimensions: 18″ x 24″

Price: NFS


Artist: Cassandra  Durkatz

Title: Rocks to the skyline

Medium: Photography


Artist: Guangkuo Xu

Title: Lose One’s Way

Medium: Photography


Artist: Sean Mallet

Title: Forward

Medium: Photography

Dimensions: 1280px × 853px


Artist: Michał Borowski

Title: Californian Colors

Medium: Photo

Dimensions: 2304×3456

Price: You should decide!


Artist: Isaac Jones

Title: Summer in New York

Medium: Photography

Price: $100
